Medal Heroes: Return of the Summoners is an RPG (Role-playing game), Strategy game .The game was released for Android, iOS platform.
List 20 best games like Medal Heroes: Return of the Summoners :
1 | Betrayal at Krondor |
2 | Blaze of Battle |
3 | Creature Quest: Strategy RPG |
4 | Dragonstone Kingdoms |
5 | Dungeon and Heroes |
6 | Guardian Codex |
7 | Guild of Heroes: Fantasy RPG |
8 | Heroes of Camelot |
9 | Little Empire |
10 | Magic Legion: Hero Legend |
11 | Metal Saga |
12 | My Lands |
13 | My Lands: Black Gem Hunting |
14 | Nether Earth |
15 | Nida Harb Empire of Steel |
16 | Soldiers Inc: Mobile Warfare |
17 | Storm of Wars: Sacred Homeland |
18 | Stranger of Sword City |
19 | Tactile Wars |
20 | What the Hen: Summoner Spring |
Medal Heroes: Return of the Summoners wiki :
Publisher(s) | Homepage publisher’s website |
Platform(s) | Android iOS |
Genre(s) | RPG (Role-playing game) Strategy |