Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth is an Action, Adventure, Fighting game .The game was released for , Nintendo Wii U platform.
List 11 best games like Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth :
1 | Art of Fighting Anthology |
2 | Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors |
3 | Last Bronx |
4 | Marvel Super Heroes |
5 | Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition |
6 | NeoGeo Battle Coliseum |
7 | Night Warriors: Darkstalkers&# Revenge |
8 | Red Earth |
9 | Rise Resurrection |
10 | Shaman King: Power of Spirit |
11 | The King of Fighters 0 |
Marvel Avengers: Battle for Earth wiki :
Publisher(s) | Homepage publisher’s website |
Platform(s) | Nintendo Wii U |
Genre(s) | Action Adventure Fighting |